Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation's Fan Box

Monday, June 9, 2008

They Called me Lizzy is Simply Remarkable

The East Haddam Stage Company's performance of They Called me Lizzy. . .from slavery to the White House was simply remarkable. Stephanie Jackson, who played Elizabeth Keckly in this one-person performance, was amazing. While it was a smaller turnout than we had hoped, those who did attend raved about Stephanie's performance and this truly heart-felt story about a woman who was a slave for 30 years and, after buying her and her son's freedom, became First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln's dressmaker and confidante. We hope to continue to bring East Haddam Stage Company performances to Cedar Hill in the future.

Cedar Hill Cemetery Foundation's next event is the 3rd Tuesday Notables Tour, which will be held at Cedar Hill Cemetery on Tuesday, June 17 at 10:00 am. Learn about Hartford's history and the people who contributed to the world in which we live, including Dr. Horace Wells, Isabella Beecher Hooker, Samuel and Elizabeth Colt, J.P. Morgan and Katharine Hepburn. This event is free for CHCF members and $5.00 for nonmembers. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by Monday, June 16 at noon by calling 860-956-3311.

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